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Central Wrestling Alumni 


This page will serve as a connection for alumni to reconnect with the Central Wrestling program and to help connect to both former team mates, coaches, and staff. If you are a wrestling alumni, please fill out the information below to be added to our database. When you fill it out, please add what you have gone on to do once you left Central! We will send out team updates, event information, and ways to help support the program. This page will also highlight some of our former athletes who have gone on and are competing at the next level. 

















Former Maroons Competing in College 


Trystyn Schoonover  






In Memory - Dedicated to those gone too soon from the Maroon Family


Ravonte Leshoure-Baker

May 9th, 1997 - May 21, 2015


Ravonte was a two year member of the wrestling team who tragically lost his life recently. We mourn the loss of a great teammate, friend, and an amazing person. He touched the lives of many and always could light up a room with his energy and smile. Ravonte's goal was to always make all those around him happy, whether it was a warm smile, a hug, or an off the wall comment that just made you laugh; he always could make you smile. He will truley be missed. 


See the article about Ravonte from the News-Gazette 




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